Californian songstress learns life lessons when looking back over old text messages and respects her journey

– Out Now –
“Joyous and energetic” Euphoria
“Wonderfully warm & uplifting pop” Mystic Sons
“(Aben) weaves a star-riddled vision of her very existence” B-Sides & Badlands
Have you ever written a letter to the one that almost was, but never sent it? How about a letter to your future self, reminding you of the good, the bad & all the milestones in your life? What if you sent the postcard that your friend convinced you not to… would your whole life look different? Venice, California artist Monica Aben pulled the shoebox packed with letters & postcards from under her bed, and whilst reminiscing about the past, wrote a collection of songs that explores every unsent word from those pages, all encapsulated in her new EP Postcards.
This five-track release includes her latest single Reasons to Reminisce – a song that sees Monica stumbling on a thread of messages on an old cell phone to discover how much she’s changed. Through reminiscing, she realised you can learn from mistakes, feel none of the old feelings but still have appreciation for the person you once were.
Monica recorded Reasons to Reminisce with producer Justin Glasco & Ingrid Michaelson guitarist Brandon Walters. Mix duties were left to the Grammy winning Ryan Gilligan (Kanye West, Calle 13) before mastering engineer Jett Galindo (La La Land OST, Weezer) gave the release its final polish.
Other tracks on the EP include her previous two singles: CPH – an ode to Copenhagen & staying connected to your inner-self while building a life in a new city; and Kids In L.A. – about looking back on the best of times with the best of friends, while coming to terms with although life has moved on, you remain friends with your ‘besties’ from back in the day. There are also additional tracks That’s Alright – about having the courage to be yourself when changing direction, and Last Local In Venice – about how the true soul of her home town, Venice / Los Angeles has changed through recent gentrification.
An avid collector of mid-century antique coloured glass and dark wood furniture, Monica grew up in Venice California with her mother – a professional Hawaiian / Polynesian dancer and her book and vinyl obsessed father (where the storytelling & songwriting talents come from). Music was in her every day life at an early stage but it was at the age of 18 that she dipped her toe in the music industry and released her album In Your Universe. However, Monica feels with the team she has around her now, this is the first time she’s “made music fearlessly” being able to express herself in a genuine and spontaneous way.
Monica plans to visit the UK early 2022 to continue promotion of her Postcards EP as well as explore songwriting with a selection of top-flight musicians for future releases. Please follow Monica on social media or check her website for updates.
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