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“As melancholic & intimate as it is intense & vibrant” Phonograph Me
“Fresh, original & worth spending your time on” Listen With Monger
Following the critical success of previous singles Devil Town and Dandelion & Burdock, which both enjoyed BBC Introducing support, as well as a run of confidence building live performances, Hull based genderqueer indie-pop artist Trouser Dress is back with the double A-Side single Coffee at 7? / The Piano. Released on Warren Records and recorded at their inhouse studios with indie producer Adam Pattrick, these two heartfelt songs portray random thoughts, feelings and life experiences – in the artist’s own words, they are “silly sad gay songs for silly sad gay people.”
First up is Coffee at 7? which tells a story of two people – one dead and one alive – who are in love. It’s not a very nice or healthy love and maybe the death of their lover for the living partner was a blessing in disguise. The dead person is begging the living one to join them, but they’d rather die alone than die in order to be with the dead one!
Next up is The Piano – a goodbye song for a member of staff at The Warren Youth Project who introduced Trouser Dress to Warren Records and in the process opened so many new opportunities in their life. This emotive song of thanks and appreciation for those ‘angels’ that can appear in our lives from time to time has been known to bring a tear to people’s eyes when performed live!
(press release, artwork & images included in MP3 download)